Nollywood actress, Evan Okoro took to her Instagram page to share a video where she declared upon herself that she will make heaven despite the path that she took.
The actress said everyone’s path differs and everyone’s story differs. That everybody should do their own thing and not mind what others are doing. She has chosen this path for herself and doesn’t think anyone should judge her for it. She said so long she is not hurting anybody, she is entitled to live her best life.
She said, “I wish myself heaven at last”. The actress wants to make heaven and has a strong belief that she would. She probably is not looking at people’s judgment of hr but that of God.
You can watch the vide here
Eva Okoro trended when news broke out that she was a gospel artist who switched to slay queen. She said she is not a slay queen and that she is an actress. She didn’t debunk the fact that she was a gospel artist before. She said she did release some gospel tracks to make money.
The actress post on Instagram almost every day now. There is a total transformation from how she looks as a gospel artist and now that she has become an actress.
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