Popular veteran Yoruba actress and filmmaker, Kemi Korede has just arrived in London, the United Kingdom with her children(3) and are already having a good time. In a video, the light-skinned actress and her children boarded a first-class plane to the UK and look stunning in gorgeous hoodie outfits. After arriving in London, they were spotted at a luxurious restaurant enjoying delicious delicacies.
Kemi thanked God for journey mercies. Her caption reads, “Alhamdulillah for journey mercies. Good morning London. On vacation level with my guys”.
This video triggered reactions online as fans and celebrities gushed over them. Also, they sent lovely remarks as they admired them. Top celebrities like Mercy Ebosele, Omo Adugbo, Kudi Alagbo, Sikiratu Sindodo, Bose Aregbesola, and She Baby sent love emojis.
Kemi Korede is one of the most successful veteran actresses in the Yoruba movie industry. Over the years, she has gained connections that led to unending opportunities for her.
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