Popular actor and filmmaker, Ibrahim Yekini Bakare aka Itele Icon has taken to his official social media handle to share loved-up photos with Damilola Oni, a TV presenter and actress. Itele Icon and Dami are currently playing romantic roles on a movie set and their loved-up moments have captivated their fans.
The duo smiled greatly and strike lovely poses for the camera. Social media users couldn’t help but drop love emojis as they gushed over them.
Itele Icon is one of the most exceptionally talented actors and filmmakers in the Yoruba movie industry. He’s known for hit movies in the Yoruba movie industry and is a household name. Itele is happily married and blessed with lovely kids.
On the other hand, Damilola Oni is a popular TV presenter, show host, actress, and filmmaker. She’s a very delectable actress and is a household name in Nollywood. Damilola is currently single and doesn’t share her relationship life online.
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